July 26 - 27, 2025 (Saturday and Sunday)
Optional additional date purchased separately: July 28, 2025 (Monday)
Three days: 21 hours of instruction
Only Offered Once Per Year!
Oceana Rain Stuart Studios Sausalito, California, USA
Many students travel for this event, however you are unable to travel - send an email to to propose a workshop near you!
This in-depth 9th annual workshop includes a total of two studio days (14 hours) of sculpting a 1/3 life-size full figure from the life female model and a 1/2 life size female portrait also from life.
Students will work in plasticine (oil based) clay with armatures.
Classical techniques and methodologies of calculating measurements, proportion and form development of the figure and portrait will be the focus of this course.
I’ll be sharing a variety of personal sculpting techniques I’ve developed over my 30+ years of experience. These insights will help you "see more" and save time in your own practice.
Students will have the option to cast their completed two works in bronze for an additional fee.
Dates and Times:
Figure: Saturday, July 26, 2025: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (one hour lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
Portrait: Sunday, July 27, 2025: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (one hour lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
Portrait and Figure refinement, Monday, July 27, 2025: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (one hour lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
A total of 21 hours of instruction!
Class size:
Only 8 students will be enrolled to provide maximum individual instruction.​
Work Area: ​​​
Each student will have a dedicated work station and share a 2 tiered caddy with one other student. ​
Skill Level:
Beginning to Experienced sculptors are welcome. I work with the individual needs of each student.
Art Model fee:
Price for Supplies Kit: $499 (not included in the workshop fee)
Tools, clay, and armatures must be purchased at the time of registration. If you already have tools for oil-based clay, please send a photo to ensure they meet the course criteria. You will receive an invoice for any additional required supplies, payable upon receipt.
If you already have approved tools, the following supplies must be purchased from Oceana Rain Stuart Sculpture Studios and are due at registration:
1x Portrait Armature
1x Figure Armature
NSP Clay
All purchased supplies will be available at your workstation on the first day of the workshop.​​
Refunds, Credit and Exchanges
All sales are final.
We do not offer refunds, class credit and/or exchanges.
Credit cards fees are non refundable.​​​​​